Thursday, November 24, 2011

Pumpkin, moon, rainbow

Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating!

It's business as usual here in France but we managed a little celebration.
I made pumpkin soup and pumpkin flan but I had to kill this beauty for it:

I felt so bad I had to take a few photos.

The turkey that I bought at the market was fresh.
When I bought it the poultry farmer told me it'd keep for at least a week
in the fridge because she just killed it the day before.
So I wasn't the only one killing stuff for this meal. It was delicious.

This was the moon about a week ago.
Hard to see here but it was eerie and beautiful.
From the windows of this apartment (we've only been here since September)
we have lots of uninterrupted views.

Here's another view on a stormy day.
I spliced two photos together so you can see the whole rainbow.

Big beautiful sky. Ever changing.

That's all for now.